

Korean War soldier's wake service

CKSB 0 8,021 2017.04.02 10:36

After 67 years later of the Korean War, the remains of CPL Jules Hauterman from Holyoke, MA returned to his hometown as a hero for the military funeral. His parents waited for him, but they could see their missing son. Yet they purchased a lot next to them in the cemetery to be buried properly. It was done in the military funeral as the local hero... I was given a few minutes to say a few words with prayer at the graveside ceremony yesterday.

I serve as a chaplain of Korean War Veterans Association in MA now. 

Photo with Korean Consul General of Boston

IMG_5850.JPG 표시 중
A 19-year old photo of CPL Jules Hauterman 
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To the praise of his glory, 
Ephesians 1:13-14

Paul K.S. Kim, D.Min.
Asian-American Relations Consultant
Executive Committee, SBC


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