청빙 게시판


[CA] Seeking for a Full-Time or Part-Time EM Pastor (Sacramento Korean…

강승수 0 5,264 2021.03.25 15:22

Sacramento Korean Baptist Church was established in June 1976. It is part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and Baptist Association of Northern California. SKBC is now searching for an English Ministry Pastor to preach God's Word to the English congregation of 10-20 members in Fair Oaks, CA. SKBC is with Korean Ministry, English Ministry, and Youth Ministry and Children Ministry. Our goal as a church is to make the name of Jesus known through the faithful preaching of His Word, the bold witness and testimony of those who’ve experienced the transformative power of the Gospel, and enthusiastic God-centered worship. 

* The duties of the Pastor will include:

- Providing spirit-led preaching from God's Word every Sunday morning

- Preparing and delivering sermons during combined worship service (with the Korean congregation of when required)

- Organize and/or Lead a weekly bible study group

- Leading in observance of the church policies and procedures

- Spiritually growing our English Congregation

- Working with leadership team to plan events (retreats, outreach, missions)

- Offering strong spiritual support and Godly counseling to members

- Attending meetings with the Korean Pastor and Deacons

* Personal qualities will include:

- A strong prayer life

- Led and inspired by God's Word

- A heart to serve, lead, and minister

* Qualification:

- Be ordained under the Southern Baptist Convention (Preferred)

- have a masters of divinity or equivalent in experience or other degrees

- We prefer a person who can speak both Korean and English language (Preferred)

* Ministry Responsibilities

  - Pastoral leadership for EM adult and young adults

- Some of responsibilities include Leading Worship, Bible Study, Visitation 


* Applicants Requirements:

- Resume (with picture)

-Salvation and Calling Testimony Statement

- Statement of Vision for English Ministry


* Interested candidates should submit their resumes to csg0521@gmail.com Pastor Andrew Cheong

Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled. 

* Church Information:

   Sacramento Korean Baptist Church

   6900 Madison Ave. Fair Oaks, CA

   Church: 916-966-0191

   Website: v123church.org



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