청빙 게시판


플라워마운드교회(Dallas, Texas)에서는 풀타임 EM(장년) 목사님을 청빙합니다.

김경도 1 8,806 2020.05.19 12:42
플라워마운드교회(Dallas, Texas)에서는 풀타임 EM(장년) 목사님을 청빙합니다. 저희 교회는 1999년에 개척 되어 지금까지 건강한 교회로 성장해 가고 있으며, 현재 영어권 2세대와 타민족을 위한 EM 교회를 반듯하게 세우고자 기도하고 있습니다. EM이 지금은 KM의 한 부서로 있지만 곧 독립교회로 분리시켜 KM과 EM 교회가 함께 동역하는 비전을 갖고 있습니다. 지원 마감 기간은 정해져 있지 않으며 지원자 중 합당한 후보자가 있을 경우 청빙위윈회는 즉시 면접을 진행하고 모든 절차를 거치게 되면 자동 마감됩니다. 저희 교회가 가진 비전을 함께 할 수 있는 좋은 후보자를 알고 계시면 적극적으로 추천해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 혹시 질문이 있으시면 김경도 목사(kdkim99@gmail.com 혹은 카톡 아이디 kdkim99), 혹은 EM 청빙위원회(EDWARDHTAN@GMAIL.COM)로 직접 문의하시면 됩니다. 청빙위원회가 광고한 구체적 내용은 아래와 같습니다. ---------------------------- English Ministry Pastor FULL-TIME Flower Mound, TX Flower Mound Korean Church BACKGROUND OF FLOWER MOUND KOREAN CHURCH CHURCH INFO/HISTORY: Flower Mound Korean Church was established in January 1999. It is part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGTC). FMKC’s KM worship service averages 420 attendees, and its EM worship service averages 35 to 40 attendees. Its vision is based on “Let us become a church of Learning, Serving, and Outreaching together” and is summarized in 4S: Saving, Studying, Serving, and Sending. The website is www.fmkchurch.com. Good Shepherd Ministry (GSM) is the English Ministry of Flower Mound Korean Church and serves English speaking members. Our vision is to reach out to God, reach out to others, and reach out to the world. GSM serves college students, single adults, and married couples. It started in 2014 to serve young members who grew out of FMKC youth and children ministries, and expanded its mission to serve various age groups who are mainly bicultural and multicultural members. GSM focuses on training members to edify and serve one another in Christ and eventually serve others who do not know Christ. ENGLISH MINISTRY PASTOR ROLE Lead weekly Sunday worship service and preach Gospel-centered and expository sermons Lead and coordinate weekly Sunday Bible study and discipleship classes with group leaders Work with leaders to plan, execute, and oversee various ministry programs (i.e. small group meetings, summer mission, winter retreat, women’s/men’s ministries, outreach events, campus fellowship, and praise & worship team, etc) Conduct membership class and baptism Cast visions for GSM and align ministry goals with FMKC’s vision and goals and communicate with KM leaders effectively Participate in the administration of church affairs including weekly and monthly staff meetings Understand the needs and concerns of Good Shepherd Ministry and present these at the FMKC leadership meetings Provide pastoral care and spiritual guidance for the members who are in need Oversee and coordinate the educational ministry and facilitate organizational solutions as needed (in collaboration with preschool, children, and youth ministry) QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must be fluent in English and previous EM pastoral experiences are preferred. Applicants should be ordained (Baptist preferred) and have obtained or working toward an M. Div. degree from an accredited seminary or university. COMPENSATION OFFERED The salary range for this position is $55,000-65,000/year, depending on experience. The salary includes the following benefits: a monthly stipend to use toward health insurance, two weeks of paid time off per year (one week during the first year), retirement plan, and one conference for professional development per year. APPLICANTS REQUIREMENTS: (Email below items to: EDWARDHTAN@GMAIL.COM) Resume/CV Two sermons (one audio and one video) More than 3 ministry references (including most recent experience) Salvation and Calling Testimony Statement of Vision for English Ministry


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